Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Scott Tagliapietra's Workshop of fraudulent pieces

*Anyone interested in purchasing my book, "Christmas Rarities" as of July 19, 2022 there are now only 25 left in existence. These are brand new, cellophane wrapped, mint condition. Any book being sold on Ebay or Amazon or anywhere else are stolen books. Send an email to if interested. Cost $275.
Any books being sold at the Convention are most likely stolen books. You can read the story here:

July 17 2019

I have just received 3  photos from Joey Zinn depicting a Santa sold to Bill Steely at the NY convention in 2011. This was sold to him for $3500.  But it was a fraudulent piece.

In my previous blog site: "Scott Tagliapietra's Workshop" there is one photo of the Santa with the missing eyes.

Here is a description of what Zinn did to the piece. Emails were sent today.

9:20 AM (8 hours ago)
to me

“It was pieced together.  It did not have glass eyes originally, I made the coat from a child’s mohair coat”

9:06 AM (8 hours ago)
“I drilled the holes for the eyes, eyes are set it’s tacky glue.  The coat was make from a child’s vintage coat, the cuffs are glued on top of the write.  It’s aged with coffee water”

Sent from my iPhone

Bill was told about this two years ago by me in an email. He refused comment. I did not have all the photos or the backup proof at the time.  Bill also refused to believe Monica Laetham in 2009 when she told him about Scott selling her 10K worth of fakes.

It is ironic that two years after being warned by Monica that Bill went ahead and bought anything from Scott. Bad Karma.

Comments can be sent to: Anything sent confidentially will be kept so.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Golden Glow Convention 2019 follow up

*Anyone interested in purchasing my book, "Christmas Rarities" as of July 19, 2022 there are now only 25 left in existence. These are brand new, cellophane wrapped, mint condition. Any book being sold on Ebay or Amazon or anywhere else are stolen books. Send an email to if interested. Cost $275.
Any books being sold at the Convention are most likely stolen books. You can read the story here:

For anyone interested in viewing the ornaments photographed in my book, "Christmas Rarities" you can view them on Flickr. The link is:


I am hearing that many members want my accusations to be investigated. I am also hearing that there is a cover-up in process. Here is why the BOD do not want any investigation to take place.

This is the letter sent to me by Kim Knight who was President of the GG BOD.

Oct 11, 2007

Dear John,

The Board of Directors of Golden Glow of Christmas Past (GGCP) has received various complaints detailing events involving you. Specifically, members have complained of threats, verbal abuse, and harassment, as well as unprofessional dealings involving antique Christmas merchandise.  Members of the Board have experienced some of this conduct first-hand.  The Board has determined that these actions violate the GGCP’s Code of Ethics.

As you know, the Code of Ethics sets forth standards of conduct for GGCP members, including the following:

-         to conduct myself so as to bring no reproach or discredit to the Club, or impair the prestige of the membership therin.

-         to base all my dealings on the highest plane of justice, fairness and morality

-         to fulfill all contracts made by me, either oral or written, to make prompt payment upon delivery and to return immediately any item that is not satisfactory.

The Code of Ethics begins by stating that membership in the GGCP is a privilege, not a right.  Both the Code of Ethics and the GGCP bylaws state that a member violating the Code of Ethics may be removed by the Board.

The Board takes these complaints against you very seriously, and as a result, the Board does not plan to continue your membership in the GGCP.  Since your membership term is close to finishing, this will take effect starting January 1, 2008.  In addition, as of January 1, 2008 you will not be able to participate in any GGCP sponsored activities, including the yearly convention and the on-line discussion group.  Given the importance of this matter, the Board considered this issue extensive (I assume she meant extensively), and carefully. The Board’s determination was not based on any single event, but rather the cumulative effect of various events in the prior few years.

If you wish to provide any information for the GGCP board to consider before making this decision final, please provide a written response to the above address postmarked no later than October 31, 2007.  The Board will consider your written submission and communicate its final determination to you.  The Board cannot share any additional details regarding the complaints made against you to protect confidentiality of those making the complaints.

Please understand that the Board, acting in good faith, is striving to act in the best interest of all the members of the GGCP.  Any harassment or threats directed at the Board members or general membership of the GGCP related to this matter will not be tolerated.


Kim Knight, Chairperson
The Golden Glow of Christmas Past

Cc: Board of Directors

I replied by letter I had no idea what she was referring to and to please send me documentation of the accusastions. I got nothing in return.

This of course is absolute rubbish. I said it before and will continue to say it: This was a corrupt board making up bullshit. If I had been screwing members for “years” as she says why were no letters sent to me?  

It’s very simple: They made this up to silence me. There were no complaints from any members about merchandise. NONE.  I never received any complaints from any member including any Board Member EVER prior to receiving this letter.  In 50 years of collecting NO ONE has ever complained about any transaction from me. No phone calls, no emails, no letters, no nothing from anyone ever.

I ask again any sane GG member if  your child got arrested and sent to jail with no charges given, no one present who made a complaint, no jury trial, no defense, not allowed to face accusers are you all ok with that because that is exactly what the BOD did to me. 

They violated the club rules. There were never any warnings sent-nothing. There was no due process. I should have sued the club but I was in Asia. 

David Eppleheimer, may he RIP was a “lifetime” member of the club beloved by everyone. He was not a special friend of mine but he respected me and I him. When he heard about what happened he wrote a letter to the Board.  Here it is:,,,,,

dateThu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:30 AM
subjectWhat is this all about?

 Greetings, Friends.  I have recently received an email from John Lightner.  I have forwarded portions of it to you below.  I had spoken to XXXXXXX regarding what happened to John.  At that time I spoke to Lillie on the phone, and hit a wall...she could not tell me anything due to it being BOD business.  I respected her stance, although I disagreed with it at the time, and disagree with it even more in the light of the current mood. 

     So you guys, what is going on?  I have a high regard for you all.  I sincerely do, and I assume I don't need to even tell you that.  However, I hold XXX and John in high regard, too.  I am aware of John's intense nature. I was one of the first folks he spoke to at the last convention after his run in with Steve and Jack.  I have heard his side of that story.  I was pretty direct with him at the time regarding proper respect for volunteers.  He did not let me off easily for sticking up for Convention hosts.  I persevered, however, and he agreed with me on the condition that had his concern been taken seriously, his behavior might have been more tempered.  He related that Jack had insinuated that perhaps he, John, never had a feather tree in the first place.  That would have made me bristle, too.  I am not filling in all the details I was told at the time, because I assume you all have discussed that situation, at least the involved hosts' side of the story.

     Obviously, that discourse is not the reason for his membership being terminated.  However, Lightner claims he does not know why, and the BOD refuses to tell him.  I am inclined to side with him, because the Board member I spoke to would tell me nothing, either.  As a former Board member, I do not believe I would NOT be willing to discuss my decisions WITHIN the Board with concerned members NOT on the Board.  Anyone who is elected to an elected position, is answerable to those who elected them.  Besides, this is the Golden Glow, a club, not a clique, nor privileged society.  It is a community of folks with a common benign interest.  So, again, what is this all about?

      Please forward this to any board member I omitted or other member you feel should receive it. 

      Trying to remain composed, compassionate, supportive, and respectfully yours, Dave Eppelheimer

Kim Knight sent him a reply.

Dave Eppelheimer

Dear Dave,

Thank you for your email to the BOD.

This letter is in response to your email.  The BOD is striving for the GGCP to thrive and to grow.  Attracting new members and retaining current members is critical to that goal.  In order to achieve this goal, the GGCP must foster an environment where all members find the club satisfying and enjoyable.

The BOD would prefer not to have to take action against any GGCP member.  However, when the BOD is presented with a significant number of severe and substantiated written complaints about behavior that is not consistent with the GGCP Code of Ethics the Board will take action.

All the steps taken by the Board were reviewed and approved by both the entire Board and its legal counsel.

In response to your question on sharing the specifics regarding the John Lightner situation, the Board takes the privacy of all parties very seriously.  While detailed feedback has been provided to Mr Lightner (an utter and  absolute lie) as a result of specific actions, these details will not be shared with the general membership to respect both John’s privacy and the privacy of other’s involved.  This is a right we feel all members expect.

The incidents referenced in your email and the attachment you included from Mr Lightner, as well as the behaviors documented in the December 19, 2007 emailing from John Lightner to the club members continue to be in conflict with or violate the GGCP Code of Ethics. 

Support of these behaviors by other Golden Glow members will continue to reinforce to Mr Lightner that these behaviors are acceptable.  The Board feels these behaviors are unacceptable and are not in the best interest of the club.

Kim Knight
Cc: Board of Directors

So again, this was a con job by the BOD. They Khasshogi'd me. And this is why the BOD will never do an investigation because they have no “written complaints” from any member about “dealings of merchandise” and that my criminal activity had been going on for years. Utter nonsense from Kim Knight and the rest of the lemmings. 

It is really unfortunate that there isn’t a single person who has been a Board Member since 2007 that has any integrity. Cowards all. A corrupt cabal. They can lie, cheat, steal and blackball anyone because they cover up for each other and are accountable to no one. good gig if you can get it.

They have a member who is a convicted felon, a sexual predator who is listed as a lifetime member in good standing. How is this possible?  I on the other hand have been convicted of nothing but was expelled from the club.  The GG Board is a cesspool of scum.

Dave Eppleheimer wrote back to me he was sick of the lot of them.  I have been saying this for 12 years. This is a corrupt organization. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Scott Tagliapietra's workshop photos

  *Anyone interested in purchasing my book, "Christmas Rarities" as of July 19, 2022 there are now only 25 left in existence. These are brand new, cellophane wrapped, mint condition. Any book being sold on Ebay or Amazon or anywhere else are stolen books. Send an email to if interested. Cost $275.

Any books being sold at the Convention are most likely stolen books. You can read the story here:


For anyone interested in viewing the ornaments photographed in my book, "Christmas Rarities" you can view them on Flickr. The link is:

July 10, 2019

Golden Glow Members,

I promised to publish an explosive story about the Golden Glow Club and here it is with a short background story. You can read my entire blog at:

So here we are on the cusp of the 2019 Golden Glow Convention to be held in Lancaster PA. This year the co-chairmen are Steve Wilt, Jim Morrison and Craig McManus, three corrupt con men, frauds and clowns.

Steve Wilt is a classless lowlife. As some of you know my $2K rare white feather tree was stolen at a convention in 2006 in Lancaster. I went to Jim Morrison who told me to go see Steve Wilt a man I did not know and never met. He was with Jack Marowski. As I have stated since 2006 and in my blogs Wilt said to me, “Well how do we know you really had a feather tree”? “We really don’t know if you brought one here.” “Maybe you just want to make an insurance claim”.  This is “after” the night manager at the hotel substantiated my story to security.  He had helped me unload my boxes, put them on a flat bed and took them to my room.

I asked Wilt to make an announcement asking if anyone found it and he refused. I was aghast at this moron's indifference. I exploded and swore at him and then Jack Marowski who was not even a board member said I was out of the convention. This is how these morally corrupt individuals run the club. And this set the stage for my expulsion of the club and blacklisting. (I of course just laughed at both of them and stayed the whole convention). The full story is in my blog listed below.

Jim Morrison. Well, sorry Jim but you are also a fraud in my view. I’ll give everyone a few examples of what Jim is really like. First, at the 2005 or 2006 convention Jim had a very rare ornament he was trying to sell. It was the Noah’s Arc ornament. He saw me and asked me if I wanted it knowing I collected rare orns. I asked him what he wanted for it and he told me $1500. I said ok it’s a deal but I have a meeting I am late for and when I get back from my meeting I will look you up and pay you for it. After my meeting I found Jim and asked him for the ornament and he said to me he sold it for more money to Fred Cannon.  There are a lot of dealers like this in the club. 

Ex number two. Jim Morrison for years sold fake kugels. This is all documented in my blogs.  I bought fakes kugels he sold to Ruth Riege. When I was researching the great kugel conspiracy, perhaps the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on Christmas ornament collectors, I found out he had sold kugels for Lawrence Cooper a London dealer.  Lawrence Cooper and Richard Wright of the Roadshow fame went to India in the 80’s and brought back thousands of kugels, some perhaps from Germany (never documented) but a lot from India-fakes.

They scammed the collectors. They sold fakes and knew it. After I bought 40K plus of kugels from Scott T and posted some for sale on Ebay I received a tip they were fakes made in India. I went to India at great expense and found the shop where they were made. I found the fakes and bought for $5 ea. Scott was a frequent visitor of Wright's.

Later, I tried to get Morrison to talk about what he knew and he refused to talk to me.  His museum closed down mostly due to mismanagement. I am hearing there are backers looking for a lot of missing pieces. Jim Morrison is part of the evil GG cabal.

When I published my book, “Christmas Rarities” in 2007 I asked Tony Annese, board President if he would announce it at the opening dinner. He refused stating, “The Golden Glow Club cannot endorse any book”. Annese is of course another lowlife and part of the GG cabal. They did of course endorse Jim Morrison’s museum. They even ran vans to it from the Lancaster convention. And of course they endorse all kinds of member businesses. These fraudsters are total hypocrites but they cover for other members even if they are crooks or criminals or sexual perverts.  But if you cross one of the evil cabal they libel and slander you and expel you.   And they are all powerful. They will threaten anyone no matter what standing they have in the club.

Dave Eppleheimer, RIP, a “lifetime” member, Betty Bell and Tony Johnson all major collectors and people with impeccable reputations were all threatened by Kim Knight and told to mind their own business when they inquired about my expulsion. I have a copy of the letter Knight sent to Eppleheimer in my blog.  I am sure she never thought it would see the light of day but she is fairly stupid and Eppleheimer sent it to me.

Craig McManus owns maybe the largest kugel collection in the world. Scott is a nice guy but he has no integrity. When I found out that I had bought thousands of dollars worth of fake kugels made in India from Scott Tagliapietra, a good friend of Richard Wright who visited him often in his store in PA  I went to Craig and told him. I had received a tip that they were fake and made in India. You can read about it in my blog. I went to India, luckily found them and bought them for $5.  I told Craig we have to make an announcement to keep folks from getting ripped off.  Craig’s response to me was if we go public all the kugels become worthless. Better to keep quiet.  Regretfully, I only contacted kugel collectors I knew. Craig never said anything to anyone to this day. He spends most of his time now days talking to ghosts.

On a side note about ten years ago a major kugel player came in to town.  A guy named Joe Krisky who has deep pockets and bid on and won every major kugel auction on Ebay bought my entire collection of the rarer pieces of kugels in the world. I even introduced him to the major kugel collectors around the world. He even published a nice book on kugels. About two years ago he emailed me asking for my help in documenting the legitimacy of the "Antique German Kugel". I declined to help him. I did a book already. He posted a request on his FB page asking for help from anyone who collects kugels for any documentation as to their legitimacy. I have not seen one post from anyone.

I am curious what documentation he has come up with.  I noted recently he has for the last couple of years started to sell off some major one of a kind kugels as well as a lot of other kugels. That 4 3/4"amethyst grape kugel I sold him is a one of a kind. That 5" black grape is unbelievably rare. Very strange to see him unloading rare kugels. Maybe his research backs up my research-most are not antique kugels from Germany at all. 

 My punishment for exposing corruption and fraud in the club was to get expelled from the club, slandered and libeled by Kim Knight, Michael Rhoads, Steve Wilt, Jack Maroski, Lillie Ghidiu, Tony Annese and Steven Daniels.  Simply put they said I had cheated collectors for years in the club. I asked to confront my accusers. I asked for proof.

Almost every year I send an email to the current board members asking them to investigate what happened and every year not one return email. They all know it was a con job. No one ever complained about me. They got away with it. 

As I have stated many times inn 50 years of collecting no one EVER accused me of cheating them. I never received any warnings or letters or phone calls from any collector or club board member. They violated their own rules to get even with me. It’s all in my blogs. It was a blacklisting con job perpetrated mostly by Wilt and Rhoads and Knight.  Rhoads is the clown who thinks it is ok to steal photos from collectors’ publications or books without consent and publish them in the Glow Magazine. (He actually sent me an email admitting it.) He's just another idiot and morally corrupt individual running the club.

These board members and all the board members to date are aware of massive amounts of club violations and fraud in selling and rule violations. They know who some of these dealers are and have protected them. They even protect pedophiles in the club.   

For 20 or more years I have known that Scott Tagliapietra has doctored ornaments by repainting them and mixed and matched Santas and other Christmas items and sold them all as original. I have many many emails attesting to that.  Years ago Monica Laytham came to me with a story. Scott had sold her a Santa doctored up for 10K.

Joey Zinn, a partner of Scott’s for years did the repair work on all these Christmas items. He became a friend of Monica’s, apparently had a pang of conscience and told her she bought fraudulent items.  Monica said Zinn wanted to contact me.

Zinn originally was going to send me photos of all the fake work but then changed his mind. This goes back to 2010. I could accuse Scott of selling fake kugels but I wasn’t going to go public and accuse him of doctoring Santa etc without proof. 

I know for a fact that Scott had a “made in Germany” stamp made up. I wonder why anyone would need that. Hmm.  Well, Zinn finally relented and sent me photos of Scott’s workshop and some doctored pieces.  Bill Steeley got taken big time. He bought an expensive Santa that was doctored. This is maybe bad Karma for Bill because Monica told him back in 2010 that Scott was a fraud and was willing to meet with him and show proof and according to Monica, Bill did not believe her. I have published all her emails to me and Zinn’s in my blogs.

Monica no longer corresponds with me and my take is she was threatened. Customers’ who have been ripped off do not want to admit it. Just ask Jo Wagner.  She had three fake kugels she bought from Scott.  When she told me that was impossible because she bought them from Scott it was all I could do to not laugh out loud. (I photographed her collection for my book)

Zinn said he had photographed all his work he did for Scott. His position is that he worked for Scott and got paid to do what Scott asked him to do. But he knew what was happening. And these are just a small sampling of the work done. Customers’ have been ripped off for tens of thousands of dollars over the years. And Tagliapietra is not the only fraud.

Board members have been aware for many years about some of the fraudulent dealers but done nothing. They have protected these dealers because it is a cult.  A corrupt cult.

Below are the photos of Tagliapietra’s “workshop” and some altered pieces sold as "originals" to unsuspecting clients. 

Lastly, if anyone has any information about any corrupt member in the club or story you want to tell me about free to email me at:

John Lightner

  Scott Tagliapietra's "Workshop" photos

"yes, I carved the eyes out of that santa sold to bill (Steeley) and dresse(d) it in a child’s mohair coat.   The santa was sold to bill in nyc on one of our trips."

"You know Jimmy the Chocolatier in WI? Go in his shop and look for a rabbit automaton in a blue dress.  The Mother rabbit is feeding a baby rabbit a carrot.  I dresse(d)s that piece.  If I’m not mistaken she is standing on a red velvet box.  Anyone could pull back the sleeve to expose the hands (that) are attached with 5 minute epoxy.  Epoxy was not around at the turn of the century."

"I know often Bobby (Taylor) did repair items for scott as well as being commissioned to cast molds of needed parts.

"If you recall the super large santa with a bisque face?  The mask was original and bobby casted the body from Scott’s original and painted by bobby.  Scott’s was all original and the bisque face was purchased in German from claus and daniella. The repro with original mask was so(ld) to Dick and Christina Casey"

"i would dress 90% of these pieces.  We purchased children’s mohair coats and muffs.  scott would dye the taken apart coats and dye them in Rite dye once I sew the coat and made the hoods lining them in true fashion.  The pieces were the(n) aged and put in the sun to fade after being misted in bleach water."

"as well as the tricks he used many he (taught) thought me.  he could even patch a hole in a glass blown ornament and repaint."

"it was a doll automaton head and arms replaced with a rabbit head and rabbit paws and redressed."

"yes, I was living in Scott’s home, 4800 north lake drive. I was with him when we had the rubber stamp made to create the lines on all his rabbit eared items, usually riders on candy containers.  many times animals were found, I recovered them.  Scott created the armature epoxied a bisque head on.  I even carved wooden hands for certain items.  He also had an older gentleman from wisconsin- german make wooden hands till I learned.

"i could write a book"

"Kit Carter was the woman from wachovia bank, also a dealer who purchased fakes."

These photos were supplied to me by Joey Zinn. Joey Zinn was a romantic partner of Scott's for years and did most of the "repair" work done on Christmas items Scott sold. A lot of these items were sold as "original" but in fact were doctored or mixed and matched pieces.  

And don't forget Scott had a "made in Germany" stamp made up.  

This has been going on for decades under the noses of the Golden Glow Club board members who have done nothing to protect buyers.  Instead they blacklisted me for exposing Scott as well as other things.

They are all frauds and corrupt individuals. The irony is that some of the evil cabal who have protected Scott and other corrupt dealers have themselves been duped and sold fakes from him. 

People might want to ask Bobbi Taylor what work she did for Scott. Or better yet ask her if she made molds of Santa for him that he then doctored and then sold as antiques. Hmm

For 12 years I have asked each subsequent board of directors to investigate the fraudulent blacklisting of me and provide the evidence of that which I was accused. To date not a single reply from any Board member. The corruption and cover ups continue.

John Lightner
