Golden Glow of Christmas Past Club Exposed
*Anyone interested in purchasing my book, "Christmas Rarities" as of August 26, 2023 there only 25 left in existence. These are brand new, cellophane wrapped, mint condition. Any book being sold on Ebay or Amazon or anywhere else are stolen books. Send an email to if interested. Cost $275.
Any books being sold at the Convention are most likely stolen books. You can read the story here:
Dec 30, 2018 The Golden Glow Club in my view is a corrupt organization run by corrupt individuals. Here is the proof.
Flash: I now have in my possession dozens of photos of "repaired" and mixed and matched items sold as original by Scott Tagliapietra a well known dealer and GG protected member. The fraud has been going on for at least 20 years and the Board of Directors of the GG has done nothing. A major cover up. Dozens of collectors have paid tens of thousands of dollars for fake items.
The Board of Directors who have been aware of this fraud should be sued personally. They have completely ignored the situation even when presented with evidence.
David Eppelheimer <>
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to me
March 15 2017
Greetings, John,
"I have not been able to forgive the Board members and others involved with your mistreatment. I have had to put all that in a box in my mind and lock it away. I don't see any of them ever taking responsibility for not handling things the way I felt they should."
"They even threatened me if I took your side or otherwise got involved in the mess."
"I basically pushed for transparency and accountability, neither of which they were going to even consider."
The address of this blogsite is:
On Nov 21, 2016 I sent the blogsite address and a copy of this post (updated) to Craig McManus, President of the Golden Glow Club and asked him to contact me before I posted the blog to the public. I also emailed him three times to have Bill Steely contact me. (You will see why later in this blog).
I asked him to investigate my claims. I made two additional requests. Mr McManus never responded. Bill Steely never responded.
On March 13, 2017 anyone who is named in this blog including the current Board of Directors, Michael McKenzie, Georgia Baumann, Lillie Ghidiu, Kelly Ryan, Ron Headlee, Greg Spatafore, and Gene Teslovic was emailed this blogsite address and informed that I intended to email all the club members prior to the 2017 convention unless they agreed to look into the charges.
To date I have received zero response from any previous or current board members.
They all continue to cover up the corruption rampant in the Golden Glow Club.
How would you feel if the police came to your door, arrested you and put you in jail? When you asked what are the charges the police responded, "well, someone complained about you but we don't have to tell you what you are accused of or who the complaining party was." "And there will be no trial, we are going to just keep you in jail indefinitely."
Everyone in the Club OK with that if it happened to you?
This is analogous to what the Board of Directors did to me in 2007. And then they proceeded to lie about it to many members in written letters and verbal conversations, libeling and slandering me in the process. And they continue to do that to this day. Enough is enough.
Kim Knight, Michael Rhoads, Steve Wilt, Jack Maroski, Lillie Ghidiu, Tony Annese and Steven Daniel the Board members in 2007 tried to destroy my reputation with their illegal and criminal actions.
I’ve looked the other way for nine years but recently I got a call from a collector who told me one of the board members mentioned me yet again in a slanderous way.
Repeated efforts to clear my name and to reform the club have fallen on deaf ears. I have decided to go public with what happened and what I know about the Club and how it really works and who runs it.
The Golden Glow of Christmas Past’s mission statement since it was founded in 1980 has always been to “promote all things Christmas”. Article II of their bylaws state: “The purpose of the GGCP shall be to promote, develop and stimulate interest in the historical and educational background of antique and collectible Christmas items, and to arouse interest through the newsletter, exhibits and conventions as to the enjoyment of collecting and sharing information about Christmas memorabilia.”
But in 2007 nothing could have been further from the truth.
The club has a "Grievance Policy" which states that the if the Board of Directors receive three (3) complaints about a member's ethical conduct the chairperson will address a letter to the offending party outlying the grievance. The member/dealer will then have thirty (30) days to resolve the dispute to the satisfaction of both parties or risk losing their membership. (This would seem to indicate a "transaction" took place.)
This did not happen in my case. I was expelled from the club with no due process.
Anyone who reads the GP can see it is very poorly written. Among other things it does not state what the procedure is for expelling a member. That's because the Board members are dictatorial tyrants. They operate in the dark.
For years the Board of Directors have either looked the other way or outright disregarded allegations of fraud relative to some of its members. Some of these members are their friends and major collectors or dealers. They have looked the other way when dealers meet days before the convention to sell to each other in violation of the bylaws. They have threatened members with expulsion for questioning their motives. They threatened members with expulsion for simply inquiring about why my membership got cancelled. They shut down board meetings when someone asks them something they do not want to answer. They have stolen photos on people’s websites without permission and posted them in the newsletter. They have violated copyright laws. They slandered me and libeled me. They have broken the law by not allowing for due process in my expulsion case and perhaps others.
And perhaps worst of all they have looked the other way regarding the dark side of the club and some of its members.
It is time to expose these people for they are: phonies, frauds, liars and fools. This is my story.
On October 11, 2007 I received a letter from Kim Knight the then president of the club informing me that my membership would not be renewed. Here is the letter verbatim:
Oct 11, 2007
Dear John,
The Board of Directors of Golden Glow of Christmas Past (GGCP) has received various complaints detailing events involving you. Specifically, members have complained of threats, verbal abuse, and harassment, as well as unprofessional dealings involving antique Christmas merchandise. Members of the Board have experienced some of this conduct first-hand. The Board has determined that these actions violate the GGCP’s Code of Ethics.
As you know, the Code of Ethics sets forth standards of conduct for GGCP members, including the following:
- to conduct myself so as to bring no reproach or discredit to the Club, or impair the prestige of the membership therein.
- to base all my dealings on the highest plane of justice, fairness and morality
- to fulfill all contracts made by me, either oral or written, to make prompt payment upon delivery and to return immediately any item that is not satisfactory.
The Code of Ethics begins by stating that membership in the GGCP is a privilege, not a right. Both the Code of Ethics and the GGCP bylaws state that a member violating the Code of Ethics may be removed by the Board.
The Board takes these complaints against you very seriously, and as a result, the Board does not plan to continue your membership in the GGCP. Since your membership term is close to finishing, this will take effect starting January 1, 2008. In addition, as of January 1, 2008 you will not be able to participate in any GGCP sponsored activities, including the yearly convention and the on-line discussion group. Given the importance of this matter, the Board considered this issue extensive and carefully. The Board’s determination was not based on any single event, but rather the cumulative effect of various events in the prior few years. (Where is the proof?)
If you wish to provide any information for the GGCP board to consider before making this decision final, please provide a written response to the above address postmarked no later than October 31, 2007. The Board will consider your written submission and communicate its final determination to you. The Board cannot share any additional details regarding the complaints made against you to protect confidentiality of those making the complaints. What a crock of shit.
Please understand that the Board, acting in good faith, is striving to act in the best interest of all the members of the GGCP. Any harassment or threats directed at the Board members or general membership of the GGCP related to this matter will not be tolerated.
Kim Knight, Chairperson
The Golden Glow of Christmas Past
Cc: Board of Directors
I responded to the letter
Oct 25, 2007
Kim Knight
Golden Glow of Christmas Past
Dear Ms Knight,
Please be advised that there is little for me to respond to since none of the allegations are delineated nor substantiated. It is too bad that the cowards who made the accusations don’t have the courage to have such documented. I call upon the Board to make the accusations public. And I call upon those who made the accusations to come forward.
Without documenting the exact offenses I cannot defend myself. I doubt what you are doing is even legal. We shall see. Of course, in court I believe they will have to produce such. I of course categorically deny that I have ever threatened anyone. What were the threats for??? Why would I even need to threaten anyone? And what in the world did I threaten them with? The truth, perhaps?
We all know the only complainers are Board members, unless you were able to convince some members to make bogus complaints.
It appears that the Board members are a bunch of babies who can’t take any constructive criticism. (That is probably why no more letters to the editor are published), and now you are using your power to suppress someone’s point of view. Well done. Were the police contacted regarding these threats? No police officer ever contacted me. Hmm
In terms of using “unprofessional dealings involving merchandise”, I haven’t a clue what you are referring to. I might suggest that you and the other board members look up my Ebay transactions whereby I have sold over 300 (now 500) items and never have been accused of any “unprofessional dealings”. Nor have I ever been advised by any board member or received any notice of such behavior.
Why didn’t those individuals complain to me personally? And what did I do that was unprofessional? I am sure that I could get people like Bob Merck, Betty Bell, Jerry Arnold, Mike Eschelbach, Craig McManus, Dave Eppelheimer, Tony Johnson, Barbara Brunner, Margrit Utz, Bill Steely and the 200 other members who bought my book to verify my dealings have always been of the utmost standards. I even gave a discount to Debbie Knight who said she could not afford the book.
Maybe it is time for the members to find out what you people really do to people who disagree with your policies.
For the Board of Directors to accuse me of these crimes and to kick me out of the club prior to my ability to defend myself with due process indicates to me that there is a conspiracy by the board to have me ousted.
John Lightner
Kim Knight responded in a letter back to me on November 12, 2007. Here it is:
The Board of Directors of the GGCP has received your letter dated Oct 25, 2007. The Board did not receive compelling information to change our previous position and as a result, the Board will not support your continued membership in the GGCP. Since your membership term is close to finishing, this will take effect starting January 1, 2008. In addition, as of January 1, 2008 you will not be able to participate in any GGCP –sponsored activities, including the yearly convention. Participation in the online discussion group has been terminated as of November 12 due to previous exchanges involving you that required moderator intervention.…
Kim Knight
So, as anyone can see here I was accused of cheating multiple members over many years and expelled. The board offered no proof, no sources, no claims by anyone yet asked me to defend myself against the accusations. It if wasn't so pathetically obvious what these scumbags were doing it would be funny.
How do you resolve an issue with a member when you have no clue who the member is and the board refuses to tell you? How pathetically stupid is that?
What about the three complaints necessary to remove a member? Where are they?
The point is if you are a Board of Director member and you don't like someone you can make up a bogus story, supply no evidence and arbitrarily expel a member. You can lie about evidence and procedures and get away with it because they are a corrupt entity in themselves with no checks and balances.
I have NEVER received any phone call, email or letter or been contacted in any way by any of the seven BOD members regarding the accusations in the letter sent to me. Kim Knight, Michael Rhoads, Tony Annese, Jack Marowski, Steve Wilt, Lillie Ghidiu, and Steven Daniel were the board members at that time. They are frauds. They are liars.
I have never once been threatened with a lawsuit by any of these crooks.
Obviously, the member(s) making the complaint(s) must make his/her name known to the offender yet in the letter to me Kim Knight states that the “Board cannot share any additional details regarding the complaints made against me to protect the confidentiality of those making the complaints.” These board members violated club rules. And they broke the law. But the club has no oversight. Corrupt and vindictive board members like these seven can get away with anything.
When it comes to the bylaws, code of conduct, rules and regulations, grievance policy or even the sixth amendment of the constitution they are a sham in this club.
Knight's letter to me stated, I had, “unprofessional dealings involving antique Christmas merchandise.”
Kim Knight and the rest of the BOD back then are damnable liars and worse.
I have given the board permission to post any complaint in letter form from any member. They cannot provide any letters because none exist.
This is a complete fabrication by Kim Knight and the rest of the Board members. Total BS. They will never be able to provide any evidence of their fabricated story. Because none exists.
Even a moron can easily see through this sham.
The president of the BOD the previous year was Michael Ciancio. I had a chance to run in to him at the Columbus convention in May of 2008. I also ran in to Dave Eppelheimer and Terry Weesner at the same convention, all previous Board members. I asked each one if the Board had ever received any letter from any member complaining about any threats or transactions from me. They each said no. One would think that Mr Ciancio the former President in 2006 would certainly have heard about any complaints that year.
The seven Board members at the time are nothing more than contemptuous, morally corrupt individuals who abused their power, violated the Code of Ethics of the club, ignored the Grievance Policy and broke the law. They are hypocrites of the first degree and frankly unless they can produce an iota of evidence to substantiate their claims (what claims?) they should all be kicked out of the club. These people acted like little Hitler’s thinking that they could make up the rules as they went along. And the truth is they did because few called them on it and those that inquired were threatened with expulsion.
David Eppelheimer, a well-respected “lifetime” member sent the BOD a letter on March 6, 2008. Here is the letter in its entirety:
Greetings Friends. I have recently received an email from John Lightner. I have forwarded portions of it to you below. I had spoken to Tony Johnson regarding what happened to John. At that time I spoke to Lillie on the phone, and hit a wall…she could not tell me anything due to it being BOD business. I respected her stance, although I disagreed with it at the time, and disagree with it even more in light of the current mood.
So you guys, what is going on? I have a high regard for you all. I sincerely do, and I assume I don’t need to even tell you that. However, I hold Tony and John in high regard too. I am aware of John’s intense nature. I was one of the first folks he spoke to at the last convention after his run in with Steve and Jack. I have heard his side of that story. I was pretty direct with him at the time regarding proper respect for volunteers. He did not let me off easily for sticking up for Convention hosts. I persevered, however, and he agreed with me on the condition that had his concern taken place his behavior might have been more tempered. That would have made me bristle too. I am not filling in all the details I was told at the time, because I assume you all have discussed that situation, at least seriously. He related that Jack had insinuated that perhaps he, John never had a feather tree in the first place.
Obviously, that discourse is not the reason for his membership being terminated. However, Lightner claims he does not know why, and the BOD refuses to tell him. I am inclined to side with him, because the BOD member I spoke with would tell me nothing, either. As a former Board member I do not believe I would NOT be willing to discuss my decisions WITHIN the Board with concerned members NOT on the Board. Anyone who is elected to an elected position is answerable to those who elected them. Besides, this is the Golden Glow, a club, not a clique, nor privileged society. It is a community of folks with a common benign interest. So again, what is this all about?
Please forward this to any board member I omitted or other member you feel should receive this.
Dave Eppelheimer
Here is the reply from Kim Knight dated March 20, 2008
Dear Dave,
Thank you for your email to the BOD.
This letter is in response to your email. The BOD is striving for the GGCP to thrive and to grow. Attracting new members and retaining current members is critical to that goal. In order to achieve this goal, the GGCP must foster an environment where all members find the club satisfying and enjoyable.
The BOD would prefer not to have to take action against any GGCP member. However, when the BOD is presented with a significant number of severe and substantiated written complaints (pure BS) about behavior that is not consistent with the GGCP Code of Ethics the Board will take action.
All the steps taken by the Board were reviewed and approved by both the entire Board and its legal counsel.
In response to your question on sharing the specifics regarding the John Lightner situation, the Board takes the privacy of all parties very seriously. While detailed feedback has been provided to Mr Lightner (another lie) as a result of specific actions, these details will not be shared with the general membership to respect both John’s privacy and the privacy of other’s involved. This is a right we feel all members expect. (Especially when it’s a cover-up)
The incidents referenced in your email and the attachment you included from Mr Lightner, as well as the behaviors documented in the December 19, 2007 emailing from John Lightner to the club members continue to be in conflict with or violate the GGCP Code of Ethics. Support of these behaviors by other Golden Glow members will continue to reinforce to Mr Lightner that these behaviors are acceptable. The Board feels these behaviors are unacceptable and are not in the best interest of the club. (She means it isn't in the best interests of the corrupt board members and other that I exposed)
Kim Knight
Cc: Board of Directors
The behaviors documented in my email to club members of Dec 19, 2007 outline the contemptuous behavior of Steve Wilt and Jack Maroski as well as some other corrupt club behavior. It is the behavior of these frauds that should be in conflict with the code of ethics not mine.
Kim Knight and the board members feel that it is ok to suppress free speech. Wow. Isn't this what dictators do in foreign countries?
Kim Knight is a fruitcake supreme. A corrupt, contemptuous, pompous ass covering up corrupt behavior of its Board members and others in the club.
Kim Knight lied to Dave Eppelheimer thinking I would never see her letter. And she has lied to other members as well. She basically threatened to terminate a “lifetime member” and essentially told him to keep quiet for his own good. A lifetime member folks and a person who has done more for the club than she ever will.
Let us be clear here. According to Kim Knight’s letter to me there were, “multiple letters of complaints” that were, “severe and substantiated” over a period of years, yet not one of these Board members contacted me nor any previous board member, ever as required by the bylaws. Kim Knight, Michael Rhoads, Steve Wilt, Jack Maroski, Lillie Ghidiu, Tony Annese and Steven Daniel are liars plain and simple.
Many others sent letters on my behalf. The BOD eventually sent everyone a form letter with the identical response. A few were threatened with expulsion of the club if they continued to support me. This is the GGCP folks. A Christmas club to promote all things Christmas. The GGCP is a joke of a club when any member of the BOD can simply make up a bogus claim and lie to the members about evidence being substantiated.
Kim Knight stated I received “detailed feedback” on “specific actions”, whatever that means. Knight is a liar. They substantiated ZERO. They sourced no one.
There was at least one other prominent member who had a conversation with Ms Knight wherein Ms Knight threatened her with expulsion in the club if she continued to question the Board’s motives. Some members to my dismay have quit the club over the situation.
Why then did I not sue the club? The reason is simple. I was living abroad when I got the news. You can rest assured that if I was living in the US a lawsuit would have been filed. Unfortunately, the statute of limitations on libel and slander run out after one year.
I knew damn well no major collector I had ever dealt with would believe this crap. What I failed to realize was how it might impact my future sales of my book, lectures or ornaments to those who did not know me.
While membership in the club may be a privilege I believe that the laws of our country trump the bogus proclamations of dictatorial BOD members with agendas. The 6th amendment of our Constitution states that you have the right to confront your accusers. But not if you are a member of the Golden Glowless Club and on their hit list. These seven dictators made the rules as they went along.
They are only interested in preserving their own illusion that they are the sole proprietors of their own fiefdom. They are akin to the most viscous dictators in the world. They allow for no questioning of their rules or demands, inept, unprofessional or illegal as they may be. And woe to those who bring any scrutiny upon them or their corrupt friends. In fact, they are ones who do the threatening.
One would think that the vote to expel me was taken in a board meeting since it was Board business, thus there should be a record of it in the minutes which all members have a right to view. And the record must reflect the, “significant number of severe and substantiated written complaints” including the multiple criminal offenses of unprofessional dealings involving antique Christmas merchandise”, which can only mean I either accepted money for an item and never shipped it or the item shipped was defective and I did not either return the money or replace the item. And I didn’t do this just once but multiple times over years. Every request for such was ignored.
Logically, anyone paying cash for an ornament would mean it was a face to face purchase. The buyer obviously would have inspected the ornament before he/she paid for it. On the other hand if a purchase was paid for by check there would be a cancelled check to prove there was a purchase. If there was a problem I assume the purchaser would have first called me and then if I refused to make good on the purchase clearly the purchaser would then send me a letter. You certainly would not send a letter of complaint to the board unless and until you sent one to me.
There is no one out there who can show any letter sent to me stating either a complaint or complaining I refused to reimburse them for whatever. If one thinks about it this logically, clearly the board members conspired to make up their story. They refuse to provide any documentation which they say they have because they have to protect the accuser(s). This is laughable on its face.
These frauds cannot produce one complaint against me much less the three required by the bylaws for intervention by the board.
I will gladly put up $10K in cash to a third party and agree to take a lie detector test that if asked if I have ever cheated any GG member the answer will be no and pass the test. If asked if I have ever received any complaint either written or oral by any Board member ever the answer will be no and pass the test. If asked if I have ever threatened any Board member the answer will be no and pass the test.
All the Board members mentioned have to agree to is that if I pass that test they each must pay me $10K and agree to quit the club for life. They won't do it.
This all started at the Lancaster convention in 2006. The night manager of the hotel helped me unload all my boxes including a rare white feather tree. I had just gotten to the hotel and a very well known member met me at my room and we decided that instead of unpacking we would first go to dinner. Right after dinner he came to my room and and helped me unpack and I immediately noticed the tree was missing. His reputation is impeccable. The tree never made it to the room. Upon realizing this I went to security and reported it missing. The night manager was called at home and he verified he had in fact helped me unload my items and remembered the white feather tree.
The next morning after waiting for the manager of the resort to contact me (he never bothered) I went to Jim Morrison the co-host and explained to him what had happened. He told me to report it to Steve Wilt, the other co-host and a man I had never met nor spoken with. I found him with Jack Maroski and explained what had happened. I suggested that in all likelihood a member had found it and kept it. Steve Wilt said no member would do that. (There were five thefts that I am aware of at that convention) I asked him to make an announcement at the opening dinner that night and he refused.
Steve Wilt said to me and I quote, “Well how do we know that you really had a feather tree”? “We really don’t know if you brought one here”. “Maybe you just want to make an insurance claim”. (This is the same quote that I put in the email of Dec 2007 to members that Knight is referring to) Keep in mind this is AFTER the night manager substantiated my story to security. This was unbelievable to hear. I had never met Wilt. I admit I lost my temper. His response was, “you are out of the convention”. Maroski seconded the motion said you are out. He wasn’t even a board member.
That white feather tree was worth about $2K. Btw, I never made an insurance claim. And the reason I never made a claim was because the year before on a trip to Asia I had a camera case stolen from me by a cab driver and put in a claim for over $10K. I was told if I made another claim I may lose my homeowner's insurance so I ate it.
Who the hell gave Steve Wilt the sole power to kick anyone out of the club? This is the arrogance of these people who run the club. They think they can do what they want, when they want and to whom they want and if you question them they attack you or threaten you or in my case just get rid of me by making up lies. And they get away with it because there is no process that the club has for any oversight. This cabal of evil, morally corrupt and arrogant individuals all protect each other.
Oh, there are some bylaws as I stated but they simply ignore them. Who can call them on it? I refused to leave and as the word got out to the members Wilt came up to me the next day and said he was just kidding. No, the son of a bitch wasn’t kidding. This confrontation got out and people were stunned.
I'll put up another 10K that says every single thing I stated about what happened is true. If I pass the test Wilt and Maroski have to pay me 10K each. I guarantee they will not do it.
There is no doubt in my mind Wilt and Maroski and Michael Rhoads did me in. It was payback for making fools of them. Later at the same convention two club members got caught after stealing a kugel from Monica Laetham’s room. But I thought Steve Wilt said no member would ever steal anything from another member. Intelligence is not a requirement to be a board member of the Golden Glow Club.
This is the same convention where the hotel had no elevators, no accommodations for people with wheel chairs and where almost no one could find their rooms. It was a joke. If you took a poll it would be right up there with the worst convention accommodations and service in the 25 year history of the club. And two years later they gave it to them again. Amazing.
During the open board meeting some of us started to ask embarrassing questions so Michael Rhoads cut off the mikes and shut down the meeting.
There is only one entity that could have benefited financially from having the convention at the same place which in my opinion and others was a dump, Jim Morrison’s Christmas Museum which is located in Lancaster area.
Did someone get a payoff?
Now let’s talk about kugels.
Scott Tagliapietra was as a major dealer in glass ornaments and I had purchased a few from him in a visit to his home in Wisconsin. He mentioned he had just purchased a huge collection of kugels and would I be interested in them. I said no as I did not collect kugels but call me when they come in. He called me and I went up to his home and I was so mesmerized by them that I purchased the entire 450+ kugel collection for $45K. The lady who had owned them lived in California and had passed away. She had also been a major antique doll collector. She had purchased the kugels from a dealer named Richard Wright.
One day I decided to sell one of the duplicate grape kugels on Ebay. I received an email from someone saying they were fakes. He said he knew who I had purchased the kugel from and where the fakes were made. I said, “ok,who did I buy it from?” He said Scott Tagliapietra. I was dumfounded. He even offered to take me to the shop in India where all the fakes and fake caps were made.
He then told me the whole story about how the fake kugels came in to the US and who the players were.
Richard Wright a well-known antique dealer from PA and Laurence Cooper an antique dealer from London in the early 1980’s went to India and bought up thousands of kugels. Cooper in a phone call from me later on confirmed he did go to India (of all places) (why not Germany?) and brought back thousands of these kugels. Wright and Cooper knew each other, Wright having worked in London. I tried to contact Wright several times but he never returned my calls.
The person who told me this story was a gay lover of Richard Wright who died in 2009 and lived on his property. Scott Tagliapietra visited Wright often. According to the informant whose motives I questioned he stated Scott accused him of stealing something from Wright because Scott was jealous of his relationship with Wright hoping that Wright would get rid of him which he did. Outing Scott was payback in spades.
I was told the first batch of kugels that came from India were legit German pieces. Thousands of them. In fact, Jim Morrison told me he saw crates full of them. Where, I do not know. I should have asked him. Dealers came from all over the US to Wright’s estate in Pa and bought thousands of the kugels. According to this informant, they made so much money they told the people in India to find as many as they could. The Indian guys suckered them and made thousands of fakes and shipped them in the second batch.
Here is an update about Jim Morrison. He was Lawrence Cooper's front man in the US selling the kugels. And like it or not Jim Morrison sold fake kugels. Did he know they were fakes? Ask him.
Now, did Wright or Cooper know they were fakes? Well, if they were different molds and colors and caps I know I would have been skeptical. But they sold them off to other dealers who in turn sold them to collectors all over the world. Thousands of them.
One question left unanswered is why Wright and Cooper independently decided to go to India to find kugels that no one knew about in the early 1980's. Very strange to me.
Maggie Roger's book published in 1977 did not mention India; Phillip Snyder's great book, "Christmas Tree Book" published in 1979 does not mention India so how did this fantasy story get started and by whom?
Has anyone seen any published photos of all these thousands of German kugels just hanging around in Indian palaces? Wright and Cooper never took photos? Did Jim Morrison take any photos? Anyone?
The whistleblower never followed thru on his offer to take me to India. At the time he lived in Thailand. I was planning to go there so we agreed to meet. I had his phone number in Thailand but he never contacted me. His girl friend said he was still in the US. Maybe someone got to him. So I spent a fortune flying to India alone and found the shop located in the “thieves market” in Mumbai where this guy said they were made. I was lucky to find the shop and luckier still to find the exact same 8” grape molds I had purchased from Scott. I purchased several for about $5 apiece, the same ones that had cost me thousands of dollars. Btw, there is a reason they call it the thieves market. Most of the stuff they sell are knockoffs. Fakes. Reproductions etc. I still have the business card of the shop where I bought them. But at the time no one knew about these fakes. I was the first one to eventually prove they were fakes.
My old passport shows a Visa for India. I flew to Mumbai on Feb 17 2006. The name of the shop in India is called, Periodic and the owner's name is Ashfaque. The whistleblower in an email gave me the guy's name. He wasn't there when I found the shop but the fakes were hanging from the ceiling.
When I confronted Scott, he denied knowing they were fakes from the collection he sold me. At first he refused to return my money. I finally had to tell him I would go public with the info if he didn’t. He sent me a check the next day. This was not a buyer beware sale. It was predicated on all of the kugels being antique German glass. Scott maintained his innocence the whole time. Now you do not threaten an internationally known dealer without proof, right? Curiously, Scott never asked me for proof I had been to India or that I had photos or receipts. He didn’t even ask to see the fakes I had bought. Now, if it were me and I believed that I had sold you genuine German kugels I would have demanded to see the proof. But if I knew I had been caught selling fakes I might not bother. After all, who would think anyone would go to India to buy kugels? How could I make up such a story unless it was true? I think Scott knew some were fakes. Now, after he sent me the check he did ask for the fakes back. Probably to resell them again to some unsuspecting buyer. He didn't get them back.
I flew back to Thailand and had my camera bag stolen along with the drive with all the photos of the fakes as well as amazing photos of the Thief's Market but I had the fakes and the business card.
I know Jim Morrison is considered a God in the club but maybe it is time for Jim to explain what he knew about all the kugels he sold as an agent of Lawrence Cooper from England. When I spoke with Cooper on the phone he told me to tell Jim he still owes him a lot of money for selling his kugels in the states for him. I know for a fact that Jim sold fake kugels. When I was researching my book, “Christmas Rarities”, I was told Ruth Riege was considered to be the foremost knowledgeable person on kugels early on but when I visited her in Wisconsin for my book, she laughed and said they made that all up that she just liked them and was one of the first in the club to buy them. Brenner or Johnson mentions her in their book as a kugel source of knowledge. But she wasn’t.
Ruth had one grape kugel in amethyst that I had never seen before. Amethyst is a very rare color in kugels. She told me she bought if from Jim Morrison in the early 1980’s (note this date). I paid her $500 bucks for a kugel I bought later for a few bucks in India. It was the exact same mold as the grape kugels I had bought from Scott Tagliapetra, the Golden Glow dealer later on.
Interestingly, I recalled in the same conversation I had with Morrison years earlier he stated he stopped selling kugels. I asked him why and he simply said he was in to postcards. hmm. Did Jim know something?
Several years ago I received an email from someone who wanted to purchase a kugel at an auction house. But he wasn’t sure it was legit so he sent me a photo and asked me what I thought of it. I knew immediately it was the same mold and fake as I had bought in India. I asked him if he knew where the auction house got it. He told me it was from Richard Wright’s estate. Here is the kugel from Wright's estate. This is the same exact kugel (note the cap) 8 of which were included in my purchase from Scott.
This was the final piece of info I needed to confirm Wright sold fakes from India. I concluded the informant was telling the truth about Scott and Wright and the fake kugels from India.
I can also state that in my travels thru Ohio and Pennsylvania and elsewhere a lot of antique dealers I spoke with had very little nice things to say about Richard Wright.
When I was traveling around the country and Europe working on my book, “Christmas Rarities” I found every single major collector of kugels had at least one fake in his/her collection. When I photographed Jo Wagner’s collection she had two or three fakes in her collection. When I told her she had fakes she responded that it was not possible because she had bought them from Scott Tagliapietra. The next day Scott called me and told me to mind my own business. When Scott reimbursed me for the fakes I had bought he wanted the fakes returned to him. I never sent him the fakes. Why would Scott want the fakes returned to him? They were worthless.
I saw the same fake grape kugel in a major collector in Germany and another in Switzerland. Barbara Brunner, a very well known Swiss collector was with me at the time.
But I am not the only a victim of Scott Tagliapietra. On Nov 5 2009 Monica Laetham sent me an email asking for my advice. She had somehow become friends with Scott’s ex-lover, Joey Zinn who according to Monica showed her all of Scott’s dirty work. Monica had purchased 5 items from Scott that were not as represented. Monica threatened to sue Scott and she got a check 5 days later.
In her emails she mentioned Joey knowing about the fake kugels Scott had sold me. She mentioned she informed Bill Steely of the fraud but he did not believe her. She mentioned there are other Glow members who are involved with the doctoring items but did not mention any names. Monica said she planned to meet Bill Steely later at his home and show him photos provided by Joey Zinn. I am not sure if Steely was a board member at that time or not. But if he was a board member he had an obligation to investigate Scott. Monica also said in her email that Joey Zinn has a list of all the people Scott ripped off. That is a lot of damning proof.
I have reached out to Bill Steely several times and have asked Craig McManus for his personal email address three separate times to no avail. Neither Craig nor Bill have responded to me. I do not know if Monica ever showed Bill the additional proof or not. As of this date she has not responded to me either.
I emailed Monica back that I was still searching for more proof on Scott. According to Monica this fellow Joey felt very guilty of what he had done and wants forgiveness by exposing Scott. I told Monica to have him contact me and he sent me an email on Nov 12 2009 asking me to contact him. I did not hear back from him so on Nov 25 2009 I sent him an email asking why not. He did not respond. I sent another email to Joey Zinn on March 3 2010.
On March 14 2010 Joey Zinn sent me another email and I quote, “I have no secrets, I have photos of all the work I did (for Scott) and sold lies.”
In July of 2010 I had received information that Monica had sued Scott and won but this turned out to be false. She never sued him because he paid her. I sent an email to Zinn on July 11 2010 informing him. He responded with an email to me on July 11 2010 and I quote, “Does Monica know about this? Honestly, hadn’t you gotten enough out of Scott? How do I benefit”. Why the change of tone? Had Joey been threatened? Zinn never provided me with any proof. But I think his emails and photos and records are proof enough. Why he changed his mind is anyone’s guess. Was he a scorned lover? Did they kiss and make up?
This all fits in with the informant’s claim that Scott and others used to meet at Wright’s estate and swap stories of how they ripped off clients. And it wasn’t just ornaments. It included toys and Santas and Easter items. It was common knowledge back in 2003-2007 while I was a member that Scott touched up ornaments and sold them as original. I know half a dozen big time glass collectors who told me they think he did that.
And Cooper has sold fakes on Ebay. I contacted him once by phone and he denied a kugel he was selling on Ebay was fake. It was the same mold I had purchased in India for $5. He refused to end the auction so I contacted the high bidder and informed him it was a fake. (in those days you could tell who the bidders were) But it was too late as the auction ended with him having the winning bid of $300 or so. The buyer was Mike Eschelbach a Golden Glow Club member. I sent Eschelbach an email asking him to confirm the call but he never responded. Collectors don't like to admit they got ripped off.
(Do my efforts seem like the type of person who is ripping off members as Kim Night and the board members all stated?)
Other fakes have sold for thousands of dollars on Ebay and elsewhere.
Years later when I attempted to trace back the huge (450+ pieces) kugel collection I had bought from Scott, I got a call from the best friend of the lady whose kugels I bought. She told me her friend had been a major doll collector and that she had purchased the kugels from Richard Wright.
There are very few people in the world who know more about kugels than I do and I am becoming more and more convinced the selling of some kugels as Christmas ornaments is one of the biggest con jobs ever perpetrated on Christmas ornament collectors.
Morrison published a book years ago that had several hundred photos of Christmas trees on postcards in it dating the early 1900’s to the 1940’s yet there was not ONE kugel on any of the trees. Not a one. Not even a ball, the earliest kugels according to folklore. I mentioned this to Craig McManus, a foremost kugel collector and even he was stunned by it. If kugels were such popular Christmas ornaments why were they not more collectible much earlier? After all, figurals were popular starting in the early 1900’s.
No one has ever been able to trace back where and who made the mold made kugels. The story continues to be they came from Germany. Maybe so but there is no proof of that.
Were there glassblowers in Germany in 1865 or 1900? Yes, and Woolworth gets credit for being the first to buy them but I have never seen a catalog of his showing any kugel molds. One would think that he would have brought back thousands of kugel grapes and other mold made kugels. But he didn’t. I am not convinced they were kugels as we define them today. Maybe they were just glass balls.
A French company named Vergo Glassworks started making kugels around 1920’s. There is documented proof of their existence. Not so the German companies that I am aware of. Very curious why not? There was also an American company located in NY if I recall whose kugel production was documented.
Maybe someday someone like Joe Krisky who wrote the excellent book, “Kugels: An Antique Christmas Obsession” who bought most of my rare collection and who I introduced to most of the major kugel collectors in the US and Europe will have a metallurgy test done on some caps to date them. I would be interested in knowing the results. I have been told you cannot date the glass so who knows.
Kugles were sold to major collectors who bought the stories of the English buying them while working in India or the Rajahs and princes who supposedly had them hanging from the ceilings of their palaces. Thailand is another place kugels supposedly came from. I have lived in Asia for over 10 years now and been to India several times looking for them and found not one single piece of evidence to substantiate any of it. Krisky’s website and book claim tens of thousands of these kugels were purchased by the Indian Rajahs and princes as well as tens of thousands of them being purchased by the English who lived there. Really? Yet there is not one photo of a Rajaha’s ceiling filled with kugels nor that of any Englishman’s tree filled with kugels. How could that be since there were “tens of thousands” of these kugels purchased from Germany? Brenner and Johnson and others all make the same claim in their books with no sources to back up the claims.
When you put all these pieces of the puzzle together I think it is pretty obvious what was going on. It all came together for me. It was a con job. Maybe not all of them were fakes but a lot were and people had to know it and sold them anyway. Who would think anyone would have found out and actually fly to India to disprove it? Their story about the Rajahs and the English made for a great story if you did not dig further.
The English left India in 1947. One would think that at least some of the “tens of thousands” of these kugels would have gone back to England yet very few kugels that have been sold on Ebay come from England. I’ve been there too and looked for them. Couldn’t find any. Why not?
When I did my book, “Christmas Rarities” I did a whole chapter on kugels. I had sent emails to Brenner, Johnson and others asking if they could provide me with any evidence of German kugels and when they were manufactured and where. I got zero replies. They and others have just repeated the same old same old story initially started by Maggie Roger’s book. I even spoke with her about them and she had no idea how it all got started. If you read the books the story is the same just worded slightly differently but no one has offered any sources for their claims. Someone somewhere made up a story and like the kids in front of the room who tell it to the one next to them it gets repeated and repeated.
When I was convinced that a group of dealers knowingly were selling these fakes in the club and on Ebay I contacted a few major collectors, some in the club. One member suggested I keep my mouth shut as it would destroy the value of kugels if this got out. That person was Craig McManus who I understand is now the club President of the Golden Glow Club. I understand how Craig felt since he has spent tens of thousands of dollars collecting kugels even though my conscience was beginning to bother me. Hell, I had just paid 45K for mine. Regretfully, I did not go public but I did contact the kugel collectors that I knew and informed them. I assume it got back to Scott and he became an enemy.
In fact, the day after I told Jo Wagner she had a few fakes I got a call from Scott telling me to mind my own business.
Those priceless strawberries and one of a kind mold made fruit kugels in my mind are not true kugels. Even Craig who owns a red strawberry confided in me that he thought it was not genuine. One reason why is that of the dozen I have seen none had original caps on them. Most had been rewired and re-capped. The other reason is this. The silvering is perfect on every single one of them. But any old kugel would have some to a lot of silvering loss. Same for the other molds. In my view if it has perfect silvering it is a fake and probably not an antique German kugel.
I think the larger berries may be old. I think the smaller ones are fakes. I think most of the ribbed kugels are later versions. Fake may be the wrong word to use. Again, the smaller 3.5” berries all have perfect silvering. Same with the ribbed ornaments. A kugel 100+ years old does not have perfect silvering. Let’s put it this way. Any fruit piece or other “kugel” that has perfect silvering is suspect in my view. I think most of those fruit pieces other than maybe grapes were made 1930’s or 1940’s. And I doubt the fruit pieces were ever intended to be classified as kugels. Kugel in German simply means “round” or “spherical”. Grapes, berries and other fruit pieces are not round.
Were there legitimate kugels? I think so. Certainly balls and maybe some grape molds. But I think a lot of the other stuff are either repros in smaller sizes like the berries and ribbed pieces or not really kugels at all. But if someone likes them for what they are and are willing to pay the ridiculous prices for them fine with me.
I just do not think any of the kugels were intended to be "Christmas ornaments". That included the balls and grapes. I have photos of grape "kugels" that were made in the 1700's long before the Christmas tree became popular.
I think someone created this myth so that they could create a market for them as "Christmas ornaments". But to me it was a con job.
It should be pretty obvious by now who perpetrated the con job in my view.
There are more than a few people who know how to re-wire or re-cap a fake kugel with a legit cap and then sell them as originals. I’ve done it on German kugels but only to a collector who asked me to, not dealers who were reselling them or at least not at the time. And now re-silvering has been figured out by Joe Krisky. Nothing wrong with that in my view as long as you tell the buyer it has been re-silvered or re-capped or re-wired. But the dealers do not tell the buyers what they have done.
I would tell all collectors of kugels not to buy ANY on Ebay. 99% of them are fakes. And Ebay does nothing about it. Hundreds if not thousands of buyers have been ripped off on Ebay. I contacted Ebay about it and they ignored me.
Now, moving on about my issues with the board in 2007.
Michael Rhoads at the 2003 convention in Minneapolis during the club meeting where some members were complaining about a few things suggested that instead of complaining the people should do something constructive for the club. At that moment I decided to do my book. But four years later when the book was finished, Michael Rhoads and Tony Annese did all they could to keep the membership from even knowing that the book was in existence.
*A footnote. At the same meeting an individual got up and complained that the financial statements were lacking in information and asked Rhoads why. Rhoads immediately shut down the meeting. Mike Ciancio the then President told me Rhoades repeatedly told him to sign off on the financials but Ciancio refused because Rhoades had not submitted receipts for certain items. hmm.
I spent four years of my life traveling around the country and Europe photographing collections. I spent nearly 6000 man hours (I kept a journal) on the project. I spent 50K of my own money to do it with no guarantee I would sell one book. I wanted the book, “Christmas Rarities” to become the standard for all books to come as a reference guide. You can all Google the name of the book and read all the reviews and judge for yourself the results of that massive effort.
I have been on the cover of major magazines, had countless reviews done by national newspapers and antique publications and even had the book discussed on Good Morning America in the Chicago market. I’ve had offers to do countless lectures. I’ve sold thousands of books in a niche market.
As I said earlier the mission statement of the club as defined in Article II (Purpose) is to promote, develop and stimulate interest in ... Christmas. Not really though.
Michael Rhoads and Tony Annese did all they could out of sheer spite to keep the members from knowing the book was out. When the book was near completion in June of 2007 I sent an email to Debbie Knight who put the newsletter together that I would supply photos of the book pages if they were interested in order to promote the book. I reminded her that she must include all copyright information on any photos that were used which would mean including the name of the book under the copyright laws.
Two years earlier, Ms Knight had violated the copyright laws by taking a photo of mine of Craig McManus’ kugel tree and using it on the front cover of the magazine. I had my professional lighting gear set up to take the same photo when she asked me if she could take a photo with the lights on and I said if it was for personal use she could take the photo. I had intended to use the photo on the opening page of the kugel section in my book. To my utter amazement she used the photo on the cover of the club magazine. Needless to say because of my generosity in allowing her to take the photo I was precluded from using it in my book. And I was quite upset that I had been lied to. I did not know at the time she was the newsletter director.
Well, we patched that up and she asked for the photos of the book and I sent them. But when I got my copy of the newsletter no mention of the book was made. They just mentioned that the photos came from my collection. I could not believe it. She had clearly violated the copyright laws yet again after my having repeatedly reminding her of them.
I am not the only one that has complained to the BOD that their photos were getting stolen. Barbara Brunner in a post to the website in a very nice way said that someone had lifted a photos off her website and used it in the newsletter without asking permission which is not only a copyright infringement but plain stealing.
Anne Sizemore, the moderator suggested to me in an email that I should be honored that the BOD used my photos. How ridiculous. Clearly, there are a lot well intentioned people who do not realize that some people like Ms Brunner or myself are in business and that we may have spent thousands or tens of thousands of dollars to set up our businesses and that to reproduce a photo or a picture without asking permission or to print a photo without giving the proper copyright information is the same as stealing. It is also against the law.
I asked Debbie what had happened and she told me that she was specifically told not to mention the name of the book. I asked her who told her to not do that and she wouldn’t tell me. (I guess she had something to hide or was afraid of losing her 25K a year job) but I then asked her who her boss was and she said Michael Rhoads the newsletter director. I confronted Rhoads and he told me that the club does not have to include copyright information because it is a private club. Michael Rhoads is a pompous, uninformed ass. He is wrong. In fact, Dave Eppelheimer said that was not the policy of the club. I later sent him an email outlining my rage that he intentionally took out the name of the book.
Keep in mind that since the sole reason of my supplying the club with the photos was to help market the book as well as let the membership know the book was going to be at the convention. Not to mention the name of the book made the photos worthless.
Michael Rhoads then sent me an email on July 31, 2007. He stated that, “because we do not sell our publication publicly, we are not held by the same guidelines that commercial publications are.” He also admitted in the email he specifically told Ms Knight to use it only as a photo with no copyright info. Michael Rhoads doesn’t have the qualifications to sell comic books. Debbie Knight should have either quit when he forced her to not include the copyright info or at least contact me that the photos would only be used if they did not include the name of the book. She did neither.
Rhoads in his email said to include the name of the book would be an endorsement. Rhoads is an idiot. So what? The club should have endorsed it. What an asinine comment. The mission statement of the club is to, “promote all things Christmas”.
Dave Eppelheimer, a former newsletter editor told me that was garbage. And in fact, they printed a “correction” in a later newsletter. Why bother if they don’t have to follow the law? And why wouldn’t they mention the book? I didn’t ask for an endorsement. I only asked they follow the copyright laws.
But the real question is why in the world wouldn’t the BOD want the members to know about the book? When George Johnson did some of his books the BOD let him use the display room after hours to photograph ornaments for his book. And rightfully so. His books are great books for general information.
To show you how bogus Rhoad's comments are I refer you to the club website where they list two dozen member companies with links. That is okay but to include the name of my book isn’t okay? Come on. Michael Rhoads vindictively and specifically instructed Ms Knight NOT to mention the name of the book. And this is a Board member whose job it is to promote all things Christmas.
Now, one has to wonder why Rhoads would do that? At the 2003 convention in MN he came up to me and asked me to photograph his collection. I asked him if he had any rare orns and he said yes. So in 2004 when I went to his house in Wisconsin to photograph his collection he sexually assaulted me. He repeatedly put his hands on me and I stated such in my 2007 email to the membership. The fact is he wasted my time as he had absolutely nothing of value to photograph. Perhaps his intentions were otherwise.
At the same convention in Columbus just before the main meal where everyone is present I ran in to Tony Annese the president of the club. I had never met him or spoken with him. I introduced myself as the author of the book which he was aware of and I asked him if he would mention to the audience that the book was here. Dozens of people had been emailing me with anticipation about the book. Mr Annese said he would not mention the book because that would be an endorsement. I said, “Tony, I am not asking for an endorsement just simply let everyone know the book is here.” He said he would not do it and when I told him I would ask another member to do it he said he spoke for the entire BOD and no one would do it. Another petty minded jackass.
Keep in mind a few years earlier when I decided to do the book the club ran an article informing the members of my venture and to contact me if they wanted their collections photographed. Rhoads and Annese are frauds. Why mention I am doing a book and then not mention at the convention it was done and there for them??
I was incredulous. I went back to my table where I was sitting with Barbara Brunner, Gary Heidinger, Margrit Utz, Mario Pecunia and a couple who names I do not recall. I repeated what Annese said to me. They too were incredulous. I am not asking them to back me up but if Annese denies it which is likely being the liar he is ask any of them if they recall the conversation.
At the Lancaster convention a year earlier the BOD was running special buses to Jim Morrison’s Christmas museum but they couldn’t even mention my book?? I guess that wouldn’t be considered an endorsement running buses to the museum and making up a brochure and reminding people to go. Let’s be clear here. Even though the museum doesn’t have much in the way of antique Christmas it is a wonderful place to visit and “should” be endorsed. But according to both Rhoads and Annese the club doesn’t do endorsements. Of course the two dozen businesses of members on the website wouldn’t be endorsements either right?
And it isn’t just the website. Look at the back of the directory of 2010 or even 2016. There are many dealer listings. Now, that wouldn’t be considered an endorsement would it Michael or Tony? Their website today lists links to dealers.
These are the frauds and clowns running the Golden Glow Club.
These are spiteful, vindictive, narcissistic, arrogant individuals who would rather punish the entire Christmas community than accept their own flaws by kicking someone out of the club who dares to disagree with them about the way things are being done or reports fraud of certain members who asses they covered and allowed the fraud to continue.
Scott Tagliapetra should be expelled from the club for life. And the seven board members who expelled me with no proof should also be expelled for life.
And it gets worse. Much worse. When I went to visit Rhoads to photograph his collection he spent half an hour gossiping about Christopher Radko and then he asked me what I was hearing about the Brenner situation. I had no idea what he was talking about. Bottom line here is that Mr Brenner, an esteemed Christmas author and lecturer etc etc had been convicted of being a child predator. Mr Brenner was and STILL is a “lifetime member” in good standing of the club. After Rhoads told me about this I contacted his wife who proclaimed his innocence.
I challenge anyone to look up his case and say he was innocent. You can go to the Wisconsin website at where his entire case is submitted along with all the charges. You can go to the site then go to case search, then circuit court, then click I agree, then type in Robert Brenner then scroll down to the case number 2003CF000078. Mr Brenner pled guilty to two misdemeanor and one felony charge. He is a convicted felon and must report until 2022. The felony charge statute is 948.055 which states that there was a forced viewing of sexual activity with minors. The charges included involvement with three males. The number of dismissed counts is staggering. I spoke with the DA who prosecuted Brenner. The only reason the judge threw out the other counts was on a technicality. Had he been convicted of those he would probably still be in jail. You can read for yourself why they were dismissed.
And here is a link to verify it as well:
Robert R Brenner
View photos: 1 | 2 | 3
Last known address:
316 W Main St
Princeton WI 54968
Gender: M
Age: 67
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 210
Race/Ethnicity: White
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Alias(es): Robert Brenner
Offense: Attempt Forced Viewing of Sexual Activity
Why do I mention this sad situation? Well, according to the bylaws of the club, any member of the club who brings reproach or discredit to the club will be expelled from the club. Mr Brenner is a convicted felon. I have been convicted of nothing. I have been expelled. Mr Brenner is not only still a member but a “Lifetime” member.
The 2016 membership directory still lists Brenner as a "Lifetime" member. I guess being a child predator and convicted felon is not something that would bring discredit to the Golden Glow Club. nah I guess being a child predator is an acceptable behavioral trait for membership. Certainly, if it got out to the major newspapers that the most eminent author on Christmas and its history and traditions was a convicted felon for child abuse it would not bring any unwanted attention to the club. Nah. Especially since the BOD knows about it and has known about it since 2005 and done nothing about it.
There is a very dark side to the club that only the members of the dark know about. The truth is a very high majority of the single guys are gay. Many of them are my friends (Eppelheimer sent the letter in my defense) but I am not gay. The problem is there is a lot of sexual harassment out there if you are a straight guy. At the 2003 convention I was in a room among a group where I was asked if I was gay and when I said no, I was offered a 'butt plug" as an initiation present. The half dozen or so gay members thought it was funny. I just walked out of the room.
In another case at the 2005 convention a good friend of mine whose "partner" was also gay could not get a room. I had a two room suite and offered to let him stay there. I was sexually harassed the whole night long. I actually stayed awake all night wondering if I was going to be attacked. I left in the morning with that night's payment already made.
People need to realize the power brokers of the club are the gays. And that include Kim Knight who is a lesbian. When I asked Kim Knight if I could photograph her ornaments for the book she said no. I jokingly told here there would be a paragraph mentioning who did not let me photograph the book. She went nuts on me. (There was never a mention of who turned me down).
Sexual harassment is sexual harassment no matter who does it. And there is a lot of it going on at the club conventions. At least regarding me.
Oh, some are gonna call me a homophobe which is fine. They said the same thing about all the women Cosby raped. No one wanted to believe it. No one wanted to believe the stories about the Catholic priests. But it exists in the club.
Ordinarily, I would not bring the gay situation up but when one sees a convicted gay pedophile still a member and then look at what some other gays have done to me one does have to wonder wtf is going on here.
I promoted the club in my book. The board expelled me. You can be a protected pedophile as long as you are part of the cabal. And to be clear, someone anonymously sent me every single newspaper article about the Brenner situation from day one. I forwarded the copies to the Board members. And because they are liars each and every one of them, another very well known member of the club sent a registered copy of the copies to Kim Knight. They were all aware. My questions and his were never answered.
By now I think everyone should get the message. Piss off any single Board member even if it is constructive criticism and you risk being kicked out of the club. Complain about a convicted child molester being allowed to stay in the club as a “Lifetime" member and you may get kicked out of the club. Complain about fraud and you may get kicked out of the club. As Eppelheimer’s letter suggests, the Board of Directors of the Golden Glow Club is a clique, a very shrouded in mystery club, an evil cabal where stuff is done in the dark. They are vindictive animals waiting and picking their spots to pounce. Or at least those seven were.
But let’s go further here. At the 2007 Lancaster convention there were five robberies or thefts in rooms . Keep in mind both Wilt and Maroski stated club members do not steal from other club members. Well, ask Monica Laethem about that. She caught him (them actually). The member confessed and while they didn’t print his name the fact he was removed from the club was printed in the newsletter. No mention of my ouster has ever been printed. One would think they should have published that to protect all collectors. Remember, according to Kim Knight there were “multiple and substantiated dealings” with club members over several years.
At that same convention I was the one who told Steve Wilt he should make an announcement to all the members to watch their stuff. He didn’t want to do it because he said it would scare the collectors. Mike Ciancio finally had to do it after the fourth theft occurred. If you talk to the old timers they will tell you something gets stolen at every convention but they never warn anyone.
Ciancio was the President of the club at the time yet it was Wilt who said they would not make an announcement. As I have repeatedly said it is the evil cabal that runs the club.
I have had business dealings with the following club members: Michael Abrams, Jerry Arnold, Kathy Bass, Betty Bell, Jeanne Bertoia, Barbara Brunner, Gary Heidinger, Scott Bullock, Tom Cabela, Paula Champion, Mike Ciancio, Dave Eppelheimer, Mike Eschelbach, Vincent Gibbs, Mike Girard, Stewart Gregory, Robert Iwamasa, George Johnson, Tony Johnson, Bob Kubicki, Monica Laethem, Bob Loncar, Bob Merck, Mario Pecunia, Malcolm Rogers, Greg Spatafore, Bill Steeley, Mary Story, Scott Tagliapietra, Margrit Utz, Jo Wagner, Terry Weesner, Darryl White, Pat White, Larry Zink.
I have bought and sold thousands of ornaments over the years to hundreds of collectors worldwide. I have never once had someone complain about an ornament. Not one complaint. I guarantee not one of these esteemed glass collectors will ever say I cheated them.
My apologies to anyone I left out. And these are just the glass ornament transactions not including the hundreds of books sold to members. In over 500 transactions with Ebay at the time I never had a buyer complain I cheated them.
The newbies don’t know but the reasons the club was founded and the principals established in the beginning are long gone. In the old days only antiques being 1944 or older could be sold. Now, you can sell junk 40 years old. Most are worth next to nothing. They have destroyed the club.
Jerry Ehrenberger started the club in 1980. Someone should ask him what the evil cabal did to him.
You have to ask why would they do a stupid thing like that? Could it be most all of the old timers are out of the club? I know dozens of old timers with 10-20-even 30 years who quit. Because of the politics. The cabal. The fraud. They needed to expand the time element to bring in more members. It took the club 10 years to create a website and a chat section which is monitored by the way. Say something the BOD doesn’t like and you can kicked off or kicked out of the club.
How many people know that letters to the editor are never printed or least they hadn’t been for many many years. Why? Because some Board members didn’t like getting criticized.
It makes one wonder if the elections are rigged which brings to mind one election in 2008 where Mike Ciancio the president of the club couldn’t get re-elected the next year. The fact that many people in the states surrounding his didn’t get the ballots in time to vote may have had something to do with it. The response to the complaints by Rhoads was, “Hey we mail them all out at the same time”. So after 20 years or so no one has figured out that mail can take longer to mail to certain states than others. Amazing.
When Ciancio got elected in 2007 before he even took office a letter with 30 signatures on it asked him to resign. Tony Annese was the ringleader. He was so incensed that he didn’t win he got Fred Canon to put the letter together with 30 other old timer name on it asking Ciancio to resign before he even took office. These people thought they were somehow entitled to run the club. It was a vituperous letter from some members including some past and present BOD members who knew nothing about him but who were upset that Mr Annese didn’t get elected President. Most of those signatories were old timers who didn’t like the fact one of their own didn’t get the job. I wanted to post the letter here that they sent him but Mike is too classy a guy and he said he lost it. I doubt it. I was told that among others Brenner, Rhodes, Wilt and Maroski signed it as well.
The GGCP is really not at all about a membership doing good for the greater good of the club. Glass collectors are a greedy bunch. It’s a cutthroat business. It is mainly about each individual getting the best glass before someone else who wants the piece. And usually the guy with the most money gets it. Just look at the ridiculous prices paid for kugels the last five or so years. One guy with deep pockets has gotten most of them. (Joe Krisky) The facts are that most of the deals are made days before the club opens its doors to the members. Dealer’s show up days beforehand to buy and sell the good stuff. Everyone knows where everyone is staying. Hell, there hasn’t been any great glass for years with a few exceptions. And the Board members know all that. I did it myself for years once I learned the ropes. By the time the convention opened the good glass had been long sold off to the select few buyers and dealers.
I’m not going to out the dealers that did it because most are friends of mine. But we all did it because we knew we could get away with it. And the Board members all knew it was going on in violation of the bylaws and rules. Some were actually current or previous Board members.
I gave a lot of credit in my book to those who let me photograph their collections. I even credited some who did not let me photograph their collections: Bob Merck, Brenner, Johnson, Steve Wilt, Jack Maroski, Kim Knight, Craig McManus, Mellicent Sammis, Bob Kubicki among others. I am sure each had their reasons but it was clear to me that a lot of collectors were very selfish individuals who want people to know what they have but not to share it with others contrary to the idea that the club was founded to, “promote all things Christmas”. I think a lot of these folks were quite jealous of my book.
Betty and Ed Petzoldt were some of the first glass collectors who published a sales list of sorts first in black and white and later in color with ornaments for sale and who sent these out to collectors. But Ed also had a very private and extensive collection of very rare ornaments. I asked him if I could photograph them. He told me to get back to him when the book was near completion and if I got it that far he would let me do it. But Betty was very ill so I didn’t bother him. Later on at another convention I learned his entire collection of super rare and never seen before ornaments were being sold in Bob Merck’s room. Ed had passed away. I told Bob the story and asked him to let me photograph the ornaments and he refused. I have no idea what harm it would have done and it would have made the book even better. Some of those ornaments may well be one of a kind. Shortly afterwards I heard from a member of his family who heard about what happened and apologized to me. He knew Ed wanted them in the book.
As good as my book, “Christmas Rarities” was it could have been much much better if the members had followed the mission statement of the club to promote all things Christmas. In Merck’s case he said he was going to do another book. Is it out yet? If the Club had not expelled me I probably would have done another book. There are collections in Europe that are beyond belief. One lady who was 90 years old had a collection of thousands of rare ornaments. She never allowed anyone to photograph them but she had photos of them in binders that she allowed a fellow collector to show me. The day before I was to photograph her collection she fell and broke her leg. I had to leave the next day.
The members that come once a year aren’t interested in the politics of the club because they come to buy or sell or look for a few days and go home. I understand all that. But some of us were really interested in the long view of the club. Kim Knight talks about retaining and bringing in more members but she and the likes of the seven frauds have done more damage than good. She is a hypocrite of the first degree as well as a proven liar. Kicking people out of the club who disagree with you is no way to retain experts in certain areas. The turnover in membership is staggering.
In the middle 90’s there was a schism and many left the club. The real collectors lost out. Originally only ornaments pre 1945 were allowed, then they upped it to 1965. Now it’s even worse. 1976 is ok. I defy anyone including Merck or Brenner or Johnson or myself to be able to show the difference between a mold made between 1976 and 2016. You can’t do it. The stuff is worthless junk. Most good glass collectors can tell the difference between molds made prior to 1945 or so but not after. And even then the pros make big mistakes which is why forcing the great glass collectors out the door with their politics and back stabbing etc etc only hurts the club.
Let me give you all some examples. 2007 was my last convention. I had bought what I thought was a one of a kind mold with me of an orn I had bought on Ebay. It came from Germany on German Ebay. I had seen the same mold only with a clip. I showed it to George Johnson, Scott Bullock, and Mellicent Sammis, who btw was chairing a workshop on how to spot fake orns. All three are experts on glass ornaments and each said they thought it was legit. A week or so later there were 12 of them on Ebay. It was clearly a fake. A good one but a fake none the less. The Germans are notorious frauds in selling reproductions that are fake. Like kugels perhaps?
Bob Merck posted a helmut on Ebay that most collectors knew to be a fake from Germany. Strange that Bob didn't know it was a fake. I actually pointed it out to him. I had bought four of them on Ebay years before and there must have been a dozen or more sold on Ebay. I was stunned that someone of his reputation would post a well-known fake on Ebay. Now, no one would ever accuse Bob of knowingly selling a fake ornament. Somehow, even he got taken. It can happen to any collector. That is why you let people discuss things they disagree with you about. But not in the GG club. Disagree and you get on the hit list. (BTW, it was the Prussian helmut Bob if you recall.)
At the end of the day when you look at what I have done for the members with the book, traveling to India to track down fake kugels, warning collectors and my relationships with hundreds of collectors over the years I do not think my behavior is indicative of cheating anyone as Kim Knight, Michael Rhoads, Tony Annese, Jack Marowski, Steve Wilt, Lillie Ghidiu, and Steven Daniel claimed in the letter sent to me by Kim Knight.
And frankly, all the Board members years afterwards are not much better. For years I asked the BOD to investigate what happened and I never even received a response.
The startling thing to me is that not one of them ever questioned me about any complaints. Liars all.
What I didn’t realize back then was that my expulsion was payback. It was payback for telling Steve Wilt and Jack Maroski to go fuck themselves over the suggestion I had faked losing my rare feather tree with Maroski chiming in maybe you did it for insurance money. They were humiliated when it went public at the convention ; it was payback for excoriating the members in public who had written the letter asking Mike Ciancio to resign before he even started his position as President; it was payback for me chiding Kim Knight when she refused to let me photograph her collection; it was payback for telling the Board they need to kick a convicted child molester out of the club or at least take his name off the, “lifetime member” list; it was payback for accusing Rhoads of copyright infringement for posting my photos without permission; it was payback for informing Knight and Rhoads of the fake kugels because they were friends of Tagliapietra’s; it was payback for accusing Tony Annese for being a fraud for refusing to announce my book was at the convention.
Kim Knight, Michael Rhoads, Tony Annese, Jack Maroski, Steve Wilt, Lillie Ghidiu, and Steven Daniel can lie about the issues, they can slander me, they can libel me, they can try to ruin my reputation and they can kick me out of the club. But one thing they can’t do is provide any evidence of any of it because they made it all up.
The GGCP has hundreds of great individual members but these seven aren’t among them.
Covering up fraud, expelling a member without due process, letting dealers sell days before the convention against the rules, threatening members with expulsion for criticizing board members, allowing a convicted pedophile to stay in the club as a “lifetime member”, not warning members to be wary at conventions for theft, not allowing letters to the editor to be published anymore, stealing member photos and posting them without copyright info, monitoring the chat site violating free speech are all indicators of a corrupt club.
Maybe things have changed since I left but I hear that is not the case.
The actions of the BOD have cost me thousands of dollars in sales but the most important thing I have lost is missing the ability of seeing my old friends in the club and sharing with newcomers my experience and knowledge.
The hundreds of collectors who know me know this was a fabrication by those seven individuals. And now the people who don’t know me can decide for themselves who is telling the truth and who is lying.
I am yet again demanding that the current board of directors investigate the accusations made against me by those seven board members and I demand that proof of the allegations be provided me.
I demand in the event no proof exists that those seven be expelled from the club.
I further demand that an investigation in to the alleged misrepresented sales of Scott Tagliapietra be investigated and if conclusive evidence is provided he too should be expelled from the club. The time for the Board members to continue to cover up for these frauds is over.
The following emails are from Monica Laetham to me regarding the Scott Taglipietra fraudulent transactions.
Well, my beef is with someone you had an issue with. Since I have been in the city I have become very good friends with Scott Tagliapietra's X-employee Joey Zinn and he allowed to show me all of Scott's dirty work of how he made all the toys he sold. They were not as represented and I was so appalled I wrote an intent to sue letter to him without an attorney to cover my back and demanded he reimburse me for the fraudulent antiques he sold me. Otherwise I told him I would expose him to the media, Glow members and the IRS. Well, I received a check in the mail for 5 expensive items I purchased from him and no questions asked. He wrote and denied that they were fooled around with, but I was happy to get my money back and I returned the goods. Joey told me about the fake kugels he had sold you and that you had to sign off on some acknowledgement of the goods.
John, He has taken sooooo many people’s money and everyone believes his shit because he is so knowledgeable. I really don't know what to do about this. I know you bowed out because of the Glow kicking you out. I will back you any time on that. I think that was sooooo unfair for them to do that to you.
XXXXX and I have discussed it and she really does not want to get involved. I saw Bill Steely today at Grand central and we talked and he cannot believe Scott would do anything like that, but I saw the photos of the process and the objects being made. I also know who else helps out creating these items for Scott and they are also Glow members. I believe Scott needs to be stopped. Poor Mary Story has purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars from him the past years. Any suggestions. Do you mind telling me what happen in your situation with Scott? Joey said it was well over $100,000.00. Please let me know. I don't know where to go with this knowledge. All I know is Scott needs to be taken out of the Antique Holiday marketplace. He needs to take a lie detector test in front of the Glow Members..... HELP.
In a message dated 11/4/2009 10:13:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi Monica,
Nice to hear from you and I hope you get your certificate. How exciting for you. Wow, I am surprised XXXX did not go to the convention. She is such a fixture there.
Well, let me update you on a few things. First, I retired a few years ago and now spend most of my time traveling and living in SE Asia. Right now I live in Thailand.
Regarding your inquiry, hopefully I can help you but I am reticent to pass judgment on anyone especially since the Golden Glow kicked me out of the club several years ago claiming I had cheated 'numerous' members. You may or may not be aware. Of course, they never gave me any names of the complainant’s nor did they say exactly what I did. They produced no evidence of any wrongdoing. I was stunned beyond belief. Many members including Dave Eppelheimer and Tony Johnson and others were so upset that they sent letters of inquiry only to be told to mind their own business.
The accusations are of course bogus but it shows what someone can do if they have the power. At any rate I will probably post everything on my website: and send out letters to all the members before the convention demanding they either produce the evidence or resign. We shall see.
At least I know that my collector friends know that I have never cheated anyone ever.
You can email me at The phone number you used is no longer in use. Take care.
john lightner <>
Morning John,
Thank you for being honest in your issue regarding Scott. I really don't know where to take this but my heart is in the right place to stop Scott selling those fakes to innocent people and to stop getting that stuff into the Holiday marketplace.
Well, I will know what to do with this. As bold as I am I'll think of what to do.
I am going to meet with Bill Steely again and I will be over his house soon to check out his collection and I think at that time I will vet his stuff. I also will have Joey send him photographs of the goods in the making.
I will write later to you as to what procedures will be happening and YES, I do agree with you about someone getting you kicked out because you were getting close to what was going on. I know the other people involved with the Holiday creations and before long all will come out. It is just a matter if all will believe since Scott is soooo knowledgeable and kind to everyone, as all sees it. He truly has everyone snowed. Write later off to Sothebys. Monica
john lightner 11/5/09
Monica, Is Bill a member of the board now?
to me
Hi john, thanks for the email... To answer some of your questions. Yes Bill is on the Board, I think. He is in charge of the 2011 Convention to be held in NYC. YES, Joey is fully aware that he could possibly have to testify. He has put himself in a position of coming clean about his works with Scott and the toy making. He has lived with guilt of making these items for Scott. He was his employee and has had to overcome the shame of what he did to many a customer. He was the one that contacted me and sent photo's in many pages of how the physical process was done to master the art of putting bits and pieces together and creating antiques. Boy, what a great toy maker. Huh?
Joey kept a list of all people that Scott has as customers. Photo's are on a hard drive.
What happens at this point?
Talk again Soon,
The following are emails between myself and Joey Zinn
to me
Hello John,
Congratulations on your move. I recall how much you loved Thailand and the women there.
This is Joey. I used to be Scott Tagliapietra's boyfriend.
My reason for witting is Monica had asked me to be in touch with you. She is a lovely lady, huh?
Feel free to contact me,
Joey Zinn
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
Thanks for the email. Monica filled me in a little bit about what happened but I certainly am curious about things.
First of all I can reach you by phone from Thailand no problem if you want to give me a phone number.
I was quite surprised to hear the news from Monica since you had contacted me about the kugels and tried to defend Scott.
You may or may not know the whole story there but I would be interested in knowing what you know.
I have been a major collector for a long long time and Scott's name has repeatedly come up in conversation as being someone who has repainted ornaments and mixed and matched Santas and other holiday items.
The guy who tipped me off about the kugels was a guy named Eric. Forgot his last name but I have it somewhere. He and Richard Wright were close friends but supposedly Scott became very jealous of him and according to Eric, Scott did him in with Wright over a bogus theft.
The real question here for me is what is your motivation for going public about Scott? You must know that these are very serious allegations and I hope you have the proof to protect yourself. I had the proof that Scott sold me fakes from India but I cannot prove he sold them to me knowing they were fakes. Of course the evidence is overwhelming that he did in my opinion.
You must know that you may be culpable yourself for some of those activities so I do encourage you to think before you talk to too many people but if your intention is to out Scott I find that admirable in light of your own actions. That takes a lot of guts.
At any rate, I did ask Monica if you had a client list and she said yes so I suppose you do know all the phony work done on which pieces right? Can you tell me anything about the kugel sale to me? Do you know of any ornaments that he repainted?
Let me know if I can reach you by phone. You also probably know that the Glow kicked me out for reasons as yet unknown. I would have sued them by now but being here in Thailand makes that impractical. Of course the unstated accusations that I cheated many Glow members is a complete fabrication. I intend to go public with a web site soon. The spit will surely hit the fan. This additional info will only hurt the club but so be it. The club has a lot of other dealers in dirt beside Scott.
I don't know who or why they wanted me out but you may know something I don't. It may have nothing to do with the kugel sale with Scott or it may. There is a major big time member, Jim Morrison who sold fake kugels in the 1980's. I bought a few that he sold to a lady and found out later they were fakes also. Again, I cannot prove he knew he sold them but I know he did.
He was a dealer I was told for the other guy from England, Lawrence Cooper who also has sold many fakes on Ebay. Do you know him or any stories about him? Scott told me he did not know him but Cooper knew Richard for sure. And there were previous Board members who know things about Scott and others and have done nothing about it. The charges would have to be proven and substantiated to have him kicked out of the club. But if they are true he should be outed. A lot of people have lost a lot of money on bogus items thru the years.
Okay, again I applaud your confession and I hope to speak with you. I will be out of town for a few days. I have a USA number 630.621.9402 but it only works thru the internet so I can call you no problem as I said if you would leave a number. Take care.
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
Since I have not heard back from you I am curious if you have changed your mind about Scott. Do you have any knowledge of or evidence that Scott knowingly sold me fake kugels>
Are you willing to share with me any evidence that Scott fabricated Santas and/or toys and sold them as original as Monica indicated to me. Pls advise. I cannot proceed without evidence. Thanks.
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
I am writing to let you know I am close to finishing a website which is going in part to spill the beans on Scott. That means publishing Monica's claims. I need to know if you are going forward with your outing of Scott and if you intend to respond to my inquiries regarding such as well as what Scott did to me regarding the kugels.
I want to give you the opportunity to reply before I start posting all this stuff. Thanks.
to me
I have no secrets, I have photos of all the work I did and sold lies.
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
I am curious what you know about the kugels. Did Scott ever mention that he knew some of them were bogus? Did he ever mention who he was buying the fake kugels from? Regarding ornaments did you know that Scott repainted them but sold them as original?
Have you contacted the Golden Glow about this situation and do you intend to? What do you think ought to be done with Scott?
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
I have heard that Monica sued Scott and won. Can I please contact you by phone? I leave for Asia in a few days so we need to do it now if you want to help me. I have posted some stuff on my website but I want to include what happened to Monica and I can do it without including your name if you wish. My cell is 224.388.2896. thanks.
to me
Does Monica know about this?
Honestly, hadn't you gotten enough out of Scott?
How do I benefit?
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
I got kicked out of the club accused of cheating members which I never have and the BOD have supplied no proof of any wrongdoing by me. Scott ripped me off for over 20K and almost got away with it. Many people according to you have been cheated by Scott. What have I gotten out of this??? You are the one who wanted to come clean. I have left word with Monica.
It is public info if it was a court case and if Scott forced her to go to court to get her money then Scott deserves all he gets. Either he is a crook or he isn't. Did you testify for Monica??
to me
I need to talk to monica.
to me
I recall Scott and his partners paying you back a great deal of money, you photographing his tree and not supplying him with all the goods promised to be returned.
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
What are you talking about?
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
Now this is beginning to make some sense. I just figured it out. Scott sells me the fake kugels from India. He gets caught when an old acquaintance of his a guy named Eric from Thailand sees me trying to sell one of the fakes on Ebay and tells me it is a fake. He tells me to meet him in Thailand and he will take me to India where the fakes are made.
He never shows up but I go to India on my own. I find the fakes and buy some of them and photograph them. I return to the USA and confront Scott. Scott blames his partners but eventually agrees to re-imburse me for the fakes. He asks me to return them but I told him I would not agree to it because I do not want them in the open market where someone else may get screwed.
Later on I get kicked out of the club. The Board says someone wrote a letter that I cheated them but does not tell me who. Now, you say this. I am beginning to think Scott wrote a letter to them. If you want to help me fine or I will blow this out of the water myself.
Scott cheated me and he tried to cover his ass with a letter to the Board of directors who were friends of his. Even you want to help me fine. If not I will make these emails public. If I am right I should sue Scott big time and if you knew about it I should sue you too.
I have lost thousands of dollars not being able to sell my ornaments at the convention. You said you wanted to come clean. Up to you but now I get it three years later. But the Board never contacted me about any of this.
to me
sue me!
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
I don't intend to sue you. You had nothing to do with this. I was just upset that now this all makes sense to me. You have to understand that the club meant a lot to me and now it is all starting to make sense. Scott is a bad guy and you know it. He hurt a lot of people. And if he did send a letter to the Board telling them I did not return the kugels he is a far more inscrutable individual that even I thought.
If you read the letter from the board to me (it is on my website now) you will see that they never told me who made the accusations. If it was Scott then this all adds up. You sent me an email once telling me Scott would never have screwed me and now you know and knew otherwise. I was warned about Scott by a guy named Eric who knew Scott and Richard Wright.
You helped Monica. Why not help me? Your attitude has changed a lot here. Scott should be kicked out of the club. He sold several fake kugels to Jo Wagner and he called me and was pissed I told her. When I told her they were fakes I did not know who she had bought them from.
This Eric character told me a lot about Scott and the way those toy dealers would all get together at Richard Wright's and tell stories about how they repaired stuff and sold it to the idiot unsuspecting public.
Sooner or later if Scott sent a letter to the Board back then I will find out. Why not do the right thing and help me out. I have never cheated anyone in 40 years of collecting but the Board members apparently think I have. Help me.
john lightner <>
to JZinn20163
PS. Why would Scott have sent me the money back unless he knew the kugels were fakes? And did you know that I wrote a letter for him indicating he gave me some money back and as a result he was able to get some money back from the partners he says he did the deal with so I did help him. I don't even know if the partners he talks about were legit or not.
john L <>
8:27 PM (13 hours ago)
to JZinn20163
Since we last communicated I have received more proof of some of Scott's fraud. I frankly think Scott may have sent a letter to the board accusing me of fraud and they used it to kick me out.
At any rate I intend to notify the board of all the correspondence between you and Monica and myself. If they do not investigate the whole fraudulent sales by Scott it goes on the internet and blog site.
Why you changed you mind I do not know but this is an opportunity to tell ME what happened. Up to you.
So as you all can see these accusations by me date way back to 2007. It is all substantiated. And it's all re-inforced in my emails with Monica and Joey Zinn in 2009-2010. None of it is made up.
Repeated efforts were made to Craig Mc Manus and Bill Steely and the current board of directors for responses prior to posting this blog. They never replied. Not one board member has responded. The fraud and cover-ups continue.
I spent four years of my life traveling around the world photographing ornaments for a book for collectors. I spent $50K of my own money (self published) without knowing if I would sell one book. I flew half way around the world to India to check out a tip that a well known dealer had sold me fake kugels. I found the needle in the haystack and came back with the proof. I contacted all the kugel collectors in the world I knew and warned them about the fakes. I even called a GG collector and warned him he was bidding on a fake kugel on ebay. I warned Steve Wilt that people were getting robbed at the 2007 convention and that he should make an announcement which he refused to do. I sent letters to the board stating that a convicted felon does not deserve to be a member of the club or at least to take his name off the "lifetime member" list and was ignored. I questioned some of the financial non disclosures and the way in which convention sites were chosen by Michael Rhoads and he shut down the meeting. I complained to Rhoads that as the editor of the magazine he cannot just steal photos of members and violate copyright laws (he emailed me that he could). I even gave a copy of my book to Debbie Knight for $25 dollars because she said she could not afford the price and this was after she violated the copyright laws.
I dealt with hundreds of members and people all over the world for 45 years without a single issue. Does this sound like someone who has cheated collectors for years as stated by Kim Knight and Michael Rhoads and the board members? Really?
If these thugs can threaten a "lifetime member" like David Eppelheimer and others with expulsion they can do it to anyone. They are scum and should be removed from the club for life.
Perhaps no one believes a word I have said in my defense but Dave Eppelheimer?
This is the club you belong to friends.
If anyone has or cares to share other stories about the board of directors or fraudulent sales by members or any other inappropriate activity by club members you can send me the info at :
I will keep your name confidential.
PS: Anyone interested in the book, "Christmas Rarities" can view some of the orns by going to: